CART Report Card Released
“Listening to Joplin–Next Steps” was presented January 19, 2013 to a joint meeting of the Joplin City Council, the Duquesne Board of Aldermen, The Joplin School Board, the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce Board and the CART Board. The report listed out projects and responsibilities that we envisioned would help us accomplish the recovery plan we had presented in November, 2012 to the Joplin City Council. This newly released report card will show you the progress that has been made on the plan to date.
We need your input about tornado memorial
HOW SHOULD WE REMEMBER THE TORNADO? JANE CAGE, CART CHAIRMAN When I look back at the hundreds and hundreds of suggestions made by Joplin citizens after the tornado, there is one item that received overwhelming support – a memorial to victims of the tornado. Early on, this was a difficult subject to address because of […]
CART Recommends Wallace Bajjali
The CART MDRT reviewed the six applications the city received in response to its request for a Master Developer. We chose four for personal interviews. After serious consideration, we chose Wallace Bajjali, based in Sugar Land, Texas to recommend to the City Council as our choice for Master Developer.
What is a Master Developer?
*Someone who has dealt with large scale projects in the past (although our community will be a larger project than most).
*A partner with the capability to conduct the feasibility studies necessary to determine the market need and success of any project the city proposes.
*An entity that will bring resources in planning, development, finance and public‐private partnerships to create a detailed redevelopment plan to facilitate and implement projects.
*A group that can develop some anchor projects in the devastated area that will be anchors for further development.
*A firm that will have a contractual agreement with the City of Joplin that will be performance based with guarantees to protect the community and its funding.
Why does the Joplin Area need a CART?
The Citizens Advisory Recovery Team (CART) has been established to provide the Joplin Area Citizen's with a forum where ideas can be brought to the table, consensus formed and ideas and/or projects can be taken to City Council or other appropriate organizations for consideration.
Who are the members of CART?
The members of CART are a diversified group of local Citizens. They have been selected to help guide the way for the Joplin Area Citizens on this journey of recovery. Their job is to assist in obtaining citizen input, analyze the input and formulate ideas and/or projects which can be presented to the appropriate organization(s). Click to see all members.
CART Recommendations
Click here to read the CART recommendations as presentented to the City Council on November 7th, 2011.
Read Citizens Comments
Click here to read the Citizen Comments from the July 12th Public Input Sessions.